Visit of Prof. Katsuyuki Takahashi
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Katsuyuki Takahashi (Iwate University, Japan) visited the Chair for Atomic and Plasma Physics (Prof. U. Czarnetzki).
During his stay Prof. Takahashi visited the laboratories of many groups at RUB that are working within the CRC 1316. In a seminar talk Prof. Takahashi presented the various research topics that are covered by his group and the group of Prof. Koichi Takaki (Iwate University). These include pulsed non-thermal plasmas for enviromental and agricultural applications among others. The overlap in many of the topics could provide fruitful grounds for future collaborations between the Ruhr University Bochum and the Iwate University.
Continuous exchange between Bochum and GREMI laboratory
The DAAD exchange program (part of a PROCOPE project) between Prof. Judith Golda from Ruhr University Bochum and Prof. Claire Douat from GREMI allowed several exchange visits between both groups.The exchange focuses on the study of the role of CO in the treatment of biological substrates.
Cold atmospheric pressure plasmas could provide a well-controlled local source of small-dose CO that can be directly guided to the treatment zone. The aim of the project is to investigate the production pathways and the role of the CO molecule during the plasma treatment of biological material. Possible synergism of CO and plasma produced species such as electric fields, ions and electrons, photons and other neutral radicals are analysed.
In detail, several exchange visits from both labs were realized. In July, Jun.-Prof. Judith Golda, Dr. Laura Chauvet and Daniel Henze from the CRC 1316 were guests in the laboratory of Prof. Claire Douat at the GREMI in Orléans. In a joint measurement campaign, two different atmospheric pressure plasma jets were being tested. They measured the production of CO at different operating conditions with a gas analyser.
In October, directly after the Plasma School in Bad Honneff, Eloise Mestre visited the PIP group. The second measurement campaign focused on the measurement of plasma produced CO in a kHz jet source using mass spectrometry.
Finally, Jun.-Prof. Judith Golda and Dr. Sebastian Burhenn stayed in the laboratory of Prof. Claire Douat at the GREMI in Orléans for a joint research campaign in November again. This time, the work was focused on the measurement of plasma-produced carbon monoxide affecting human hemoglobin.
Judith Golda, project A6, B2 and B11 of the CRC 1316
French guests at PIP
Within the frame of the PROCOPE project, Claire Douat and Eloise Mestre from GREMI in Orléans, France, visit the Bochum lab of Jun.-Prof. Judith Golda. The research stay takes place between May 8 until May 22 to study the effect of plasma-produced CO on cells.
PROCOPE is a DAAD funded project to enhance the cooperation between RUB and GREMI.
Dr. Svetlana Starikovskaia at EP V lab
Dr. Svetlana Starikovskaia form the LPP lab at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris joined the CRC 1316 as new Mercator Fellow. She visits the group of Prof. Czarnetzki from November 11th until November 29th, 2019
She is an expert in low temperature plasma, pulsed nanosecond discharges, kinetics of chemically active nonequilibrium media, energy distribution in the discharge, excitation of internal degrees of freedom, combustion initiation and support by nonequilibrium plasma.
Two students visits EP2 within the JSPS Core-to-Core Program
After their participation in the International School on Low-Temperature Plasma Physics, the PhD students Fatima Jenina Arellano and Abdulrahman H. Basher visited the research group of Prof. von Keudell. Both are working on DFT simulations in the group of Prof. Hamaguchi from Osaka university, Japan. Within the framework of the JSPS Core-to-Core program, they used the chance to visit the EP2 group.
Guest at Experimental Physics II
Sylvain Iséni stays two weeks for electric field measurements on micro cavity plasma arrays
Dr. Sylvain Iséni stayed from October 21st until October 31st, 2019, in the group of Prof. Achim von Keudell. His visit is part of the collaboration with his home institute, GREMI, espacially, Prof. Remi Dussart. Particularly, the focus of the recent visit is are eletric field measurements by optical emission spectroscopy in the project A6 (Dr. Volker Schulz-von der Gathen, Sebastian Dzikowski) of the CRC1316. In the project micro cavity arrays are investigated.
Furthermore, Dr. Iséni used the chance to participate in the online seminar and had a talk with the title "Temperate micro-plasmas for environmental purposes: sources, properties, cross-diagnostics & challenges".
Emile Carbone visits the research group experimental physics V
On Oktober 25th, 2019, Dr. Emile Carbone from the Max-Planck institute for plasma physics in Garching, Germany, is going to visit the research group of Prof. Czarnetzki. Dr. Carbone is research group leader of the group Plasma for Gas Conversion and is invited to the Ruhr-Universität Bochum in the framework of the CRC 1316. Moreover, he is going to have a seminar talk at experimental physics V about "CO2 dissociation by microwave plasmas: prospects and challenges" at 10:15 in NB 5/158. Everyone who is interested is welcome to join!