GREMI visit of Judith Golda, Laura Chauvet and Daniel Henze
From 18 July to 29 July, Jun.-Prof. Judith Golda, Dr. Laura Chauvet and Daniel Henze from the CRC 1316 were guests in the laboratory of Prof. Claire Douat at the GREMI in Orléans. In a joint measurement campaign, two different atmospheric pressure plasma jets were being tested. They measured the production of CO at different operating conditions with a gas analyser.
This trip was funded by the DAAD as part of a PROCOPE project to improve cooperation between RUB and GREMI.
Two PhD students profit from research stay at Hamaguchi Lab, Center for Atomic and Molecular Technologies, Osaka University, Osaka
From October to December 2019, I was able to join the lab of Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchi at the Center for Atomic and Molecular Technologies in Osaka, Japan.
My field of research is applied microbiology and my focus is on biocatalytic reactions with non-thermal plasmas.
Using numerical simulations, I studied the propagation of plasma-induced reactive species in liquids to gain an insight on the depth of penetration and concentration of these species. This knowledge will help to understand the interaction between plasmas and enzymes that are studied in project B8 of the CRC 1316, specifically to protect the enzymes from inactivation and to drive biocatalysis.
The research stay in Japan was very helpful to deepen my knowledge for my main research question.
Abdulkadir Yayci, project B8 of the CRC 1316
I have visited Hamaguchi Laboratories at Osaka University in Japan for 3 months. The lab exchange was funded partially by the CRC-1316 and the JSPS core-to-core program. The group of Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchi developed a reaction-diffusion-convection simulation for the generation and transport of chemical species in water, introduced by atmospheric-pressure plasma. During my stay, I worked on a multiphase fluid model. The typical flow field of a turbulent atmospheric-pressure plasma jet in direct vicinity of a liquid was modelled by solving a k-epsilon turbulence model. A Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) method was applied for the coupled flow of gaseous and liquid phase. The simulations agree very well with experimental results in the literature. The results from the fluid flow simulations were integrated into the reaction-diffusion-convection equations to evaluate the influence of different flow regimes on the generation and transport of chemical species in the liquid.
At Bochum University, I am working as a PhD student within project B5 of the CRC 1316: 2D-plasma-liquid-solid interfaces – plasma electrolytic oxidation. The generated results can be useful for this project in regards of chemical species generation inside of liquids. In addition, the fluid flow model is interesting for other groups working with atmospheric-pressure plasmas (e.g. project B2: Self-organization of sub-µm surface structures stimulated by microplasma generated reactive species and short-pulsed laser irradiation).
Summarizing I can say, that I had a very pleasant stay in Osaka, that I personally enjoyed a lot. The cooperation with the Hamaguchi Laboratories were very fruitful and everyone was very kind during my stay.
Patrick Hermanns, project B5 of the CRC 1316
Research activities
First (V)UV-double-monochromator calibration measurements at AG Benedikt in Kiel
To achieve a relative intensity calibration of a (V)UV-monochromator, the use of the double monochromator method is common. Two monochromators work in tandem, and the difference in the spectrum from a stable light source of the first monochromator through the second monochromator is utilized to obtain a relative intensity calibration. From July 8th until July 12th, Beatrix Biskup, from project B2 of the SFB-TR 87, stayed at the university in Kiel to achieve the monochromator calibration.
The monochromator from Bochum was transported beforehand to the AG Benedikt at CAU (Christian-Albrechts-University) in Kiel. The technical staff made all the preparations necessary for the monochromators from Bochum and Kiel to work together in tandem. Together with Dr. Judith Golda and Prof. Dr. Jan Benedikt in Kiel, Beatrix Biskup did the first test measurements, which could be accomplished. Further cooperation with the research group will be executed in future.
Lab visit
Visit to the GREMI (Université d‘Orléans, France)

From 18. to 28.02.2019, Simon Kreuznacht and Dr. Volker Schulz-von der Gathen visited Dr. Sylvain Iseni within the long-term cooperation with the group of Remi Dussart at the GREMI – a CNRS institute located at the University of Orléans. During that stay, they prepared a laser diagnostic measurement of the gas temperature very close to the surface of a DC-driven micro-cavity discharge array.
09.10.2017 - Carles Corbella visiting Uppsala
Between 14th and 18th August, Dr. Carles Corbella (Experimentalphysik II, RUB) and Dr. Sabine Portal (Angewandte Festkörperphysik, RUB) visited Dr. Asim Aijaz and Dr. Tomas Kubart at the Ångström Laboratory of the Uppsala University, Sweden. The tasks, which were performed within the framework of the special research unit SFB-TR87, consisted in studying the deposition of diamond-like carbon films by means of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering.
St. Gallen
24.05.2017 - Carles Corbella in St. Gallen
Carles Corbella (EP2) performed a short stay (15.-19.05.17) at the EMPA in St. Gallen, Switzerland, where he investigated the deposition of barrier coatings on polymers using large plasma chambers. The visit was part of the activities of the SFB-TR 87. In front of a roll-to-roll coater, from left to right: Ezgi, Dirk, Barbara, and Carles.
16.12.2010-Visit of Dr. Schulz-von der Gathen at The Queen's University of Belfast
From Sunday, December 12th, 2010 till Wednesday, December 15th, 2010, Dr. Volker Schulz-von der Gathen visited Dr. Timo Gans at The Queen's University of Belfast (QUB) to discuss future common projects. During this stay. he also prepared a publication with the former RUB student Arthur Greb who is now working as a phd in Belfast.