Prof. Satoshi Hamaguchi visits RUB
Next week, from September 9th on, Prof. Hamaguchi from Osaka university is going to visit the RUB. He is Merator fellow of the SFB 1316 and stays for three weeks until September 27th.
Moreover, Prof. Hamaguchi and his JSPS Core-to-Core program, the exchange between Japanese and German scientists, was approved. This means that following his visit here, more students will go to Osaka university in the near future as well as the RUB will welcome Japanese students within the exchange program.
Guests EP2
Erasmus student joins CRC 1316 project
Between March 25th and July 19th, 2019 the Erasmus student Roel Michiels visits the research group EP2 of Prof. von Keudell at Ruhr University Bochum. He joins project A3 from the CRC 1316 "Excitation transfer between molecules in transient atmospheric pressure plasmas and its impact on plasma chemistry".
Roel Michiels is associated with the group of Annemie Bogaerts from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Antwerp. He finished his Bachelor thesis last year and prepares now for his Master degree. The topic of his Master thesis is micro kinteic modelling of plasma catalysis. The modelling is done via Density functional theory (DFT) and Molecular Dynamics (MD).
Together with Theresa Urbanietz, Christoph Stewig, and Steffen Schüttler he tries to gain experience in experimental work in Bochum. His work here focuses on the measurement as well as on the analysis of FTIR spectra gained in the project.
Mercator Fellow SFB-TR 87
Prof. Kushner visits research group Awakowicz
Mark Kushner confirmed his visit to the RUB from the 03.-07.06.2019. A workshop will take place on Monday (03.06.2019) with a talk from Mark as well as from AEPT, EP2, EP5, and TET. For organizing the workshop and the talks, we would ask every institute to present TWO talks on their research. Therefore, please send us a title for your talks until the 29.04.2019.
Lab visit
Dr. habil. Sedina Tsikata visits plasma labs in Bochum
Within the frame of the physics collquium at Ruhr University in Bochum, Dr. habil. Sedina Tsikata from CNRS Orléans, France was invited to present her reserach topic. Her presentation had the title "With plasmas into space - physics of Hall thrusters". The visit was also used to discuss recent research topics with the groups of Prof. A. von Keudell and Prof. U. Czarnetzki.
Active exchange with international scientists continues at TP4
The very steady exchange between scientists from all over the world with the group around PD Dr. Horst Fichtner continues also at the end of 2019. Moreover, already for 2019, a visit for 2019 is planned.
(1) Between 17.11. and 7.12.2018, Prof. Sean Oughton from the Univeersity of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand visits the group. His research Topic is Turbulence Evolution in the Heliosphere.
(2) Dr. Dieter Nickeler with his research topic hydrodynamical flows in circumstellar environments spends two weeks at Bochum (2.12.-15.12.2018). He is from Astronomický ústav, Akademie věd České republiky, Czek Republic.
(3) Finally, the regular exchange with Prof Yuri Litvinenko from Univeersity of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand continues: he visits the group of PD Dr. Fichtner between 5.12. and 19.12.2018 as well as between 8.1. and 25.1.2019. With him, the focus in the scientific exchange is about nonlinear diffusion.
Prof. Dr. Yuri Litvinenko
Since 2013, Prof. Dr. Yuri Litvinenko from the University of Waikoto, New Zealand, is a continuous guest in Bochum. This year, the VIP grant was successfully extended, so that Prof. Litvinenko will visit the group of PD Dr. Horst Fichtner for three months from 1st Decemeber 2017 until 28th February 2018.
Prof. Ferreira at PD Dr. Horst Fichtner's group
In the frame of the bilateral German-South African BMBF-NRF foundation Prof. Dr. Stefan Ferreira from North-West-University, Campus Potchefstroom is going to visit the group of PD Dr. Horst Fichtner in Bochum between 19th and 25th November 2017. After 2016, it is the second visit of Prof. Ferreira in Germany within the fruitful collaboration.