Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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Three PhD student from experimental physics II department join Gordon Research Conference

This years Gordon Research Conference on "Fundamental Insights into Plasma Processing" was held at the Bryant University in Smithfield, Rhode Island from the 5th to the 10th of August. The additional Gordon Research Seminar for PhD students, Post-Docs and young scientists started at the 4th of August. The PhD students Sebastian Dzikowski, Katharina Grosse, and Theresa Urbanietz from experimental physics II, RUB, working in the SFB-1316 participated in both the seminar and the conference with poster presentations. Additionally, Theresa Urbanietz was selected to give a students talk at the Gordon Research Seminar. During the Gordon Research Conference, Professor Uwe Czarnetzki from the experimental physics V department gave a talk about challenges in diagnostics with the title "Plasma Diagnostics: What Can We Know? What Ought We Do? For What May We Hope?".

The atmosphere of this conference was very friendly and the discussions between students, post-docs and professors during the poster sessions were both fruitful and motivating. The students had the opportunity during each lunch to sit and eat with different experts (paper editors, scientists in academia and industry...) to discuss their career in a casual environment. The overall programm of the Gordon Research Seminar and the Gordon Research Conference was perfectly put together and the chances for students to discuss their work with advanced researchers in their field created a very unique atmosphere for which the Gordon Research Conferences are famous.