Research Department Plasmas with Complex Interactions

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DPG in Erlangen 2018

On Monday, 4th March 2018, the 82nd Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting started at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen. It took four days, where scientists from all over Germany met to discuss their newest results on atomic, molecular, plasma physics, and quatnum optics.

Three groups from Bochum also joined the traditional meeting with 1 poster presentation and 6 oral contributions from the experimental physics II group. The group of Prof. Czarnetzki presented 3 oral presentations and one poster presentation. Further, from the field of theoretical electrical engineering one oral and one poster presentation was contributed.

Beside the scientific program, social events like an EinsteinSlam or an award ceremony with interludes of musical accompanists.